Woolpack Exclusive Lake Rules.
Complex Gates
Please, Please make sure all Gates are shut behind you as soon as you walk through them, This includes Shutting the Front Main gate once your vehicle is inside the Carpark, Once your vehicle is inside the car park please close and lock gate before parking your vehicle, so gate is open for as little time as possible. Anyone Caught leaving gate open or not shutting correctly will lose their membership instantly. No Exceptions.
​Nets and Unhooking mats
To help mitigate the risk of spreading disease, no landing nets, unhooking mats, weigh or retainer slings, sacks, etc. are to be brought on site. Please use the equipment supplied by the Bailiff when arriving at the fishery in the container. No exceptions
Fishing Duration
Week Day Bookings: Arrival time is 12pm Monday with Fishing Commencing at 2pm this allows us time to help transport your luggage and equipment to your lake. Your session will finish on Friday 9am where we will help you transport your equipment back to your vehicle.
Weekend Bookings: Arrival time is 12pm Friday with Fishing commencing at 2pm this allows us time to help transport your luggage and equipment to your lake. Your session will finish on Monday 9am where we will help you transport your equipment back to your vehicle.
Rod limit
The rod limit is a maximum of three rods per Angler. All rods must be fished from the same swim. Please ensure that you have the necessary rod licence(s) before fishing.
Tackle and Baits
Hooks - Must be micro-barbed. Barbless hooks are banned. No bent hooks, but hooks with “extended shanks” made from bent shrink tube are fine. Long curved-shank (“Nailer” type) hooks are fine; if using these then carry and use wire cutters to aid unhooking in the event that a hook has turned and “double penetrated” the fish.
Main line - Main mono line to be of a minimum diameter of .35mm (.25mm for floater or zig-rig fishing). If braid is used, then it must be used in conjunction with tubing or leadcore to protect the fish and be at least .30mm diameter. Tench, bream or silver fish (excluding pike) may be fished for on Lake 8 with main line of 6 pounds breaking strain or higher.
Rigs - Leads must easily discharge from rigs, or if a ‘Helicopter’ or ‘Chod style’ rig is used, the hook link must easily slide off the tubing or lead core in the event of a breakage. (Rigs may be subject to checks by bailiffs or the owner, If any member refuses to show/ bring in their rod to show Baliff then you will be asked to leave the fishery immediately.)
Particle Baits - All particle baits must be fully cooked and not just soaked. Particles and properly prepared nuts and oily trout and/or halibut pellets can be used in moderation. PLEASE No Peanuts and red kidney beans.
Spodding and baiting up in moderation is permissible but only when it will not unduly affect the fishing of other anglers. Imagine your fishing and someone starts blasting tons of bait in the lake 5 swims down.. Won’t exactly fill you with joy!
Bait-boats and Baiting poles are allowed on the Pit 4 only
Age Restrictions
There is no age restriction at the Woolpack and we welcome anglers of all abilities and ages. However we do ask that any anglers aged 16 and younger are accompanied by a adult who is responsible for them at all times while on site.
Fish handling
Best practice fish handling is expected from all anglers to ensure that while you get great photos of your hard earned captures, the fish's welfare is always paramount.
Fish must be transported in landing nets from the water to the unhooking mat and returned to the water in a secure sling or mat.
Fish must never be carried in your hands to or from the water. Keep fish wet during photography sessions. Use a recognised, branded wound antibiotic agent on hook holes and any other external wounds, lesions or sores.
Have wetted weigh slings, zero adjusted scales, forceps, water bucket, cameras, wound dressing agent, etc. ready to use in your swim before lifting a fish from the water
Sacking is not permitted, and sacks must not be brought onto the site. Anyone Caught with a sacked fish will be asked to leave the fishery immediately.
Fish movement
No fish, apart from pike sea deadbaits, are to be brought onto or taken off the site, or moved between lakes or ponds on site. Anyone moving fish, without the Bailiff’s prior authorisation will be asked to leave the fishery immediately.
Litter must be removed from your swim and taken away from the fishery when you leave. If you happen to see any litter on site PLEASE could you take it with you, please help to keep the fishery a beautiful and peaceful place.
Site protection
Do not remove or cut any reeds, trees, bushes, plants etc. Do not stand on, climb or damage any fences. Apply extreme discretion when deciding whether or not to climb any trees, for your and the tree's wellbeing.
No guns, weapons or power tools to be brought onto the site.
No Fires to be made on site.
As dog lovers we have taken the decision to allow dogs on a trial basis. .
No aggressive dogs. We have dogs that have free roam of the site if your dog shows any aggression towards our dogs or people you will be asked to leave.
For insurance reasons no dogs that are listed under the dangerous dogs act this includes anything that could be typed as such.
Dogs must be on leads at all times.
Pick up poo
You are responsible for your dog at all times the woolpack can accept no liability for incident or injury that occurs while on site.
Guests/ Non Fishing Friends
Guests or family are only aloud to visit if authorised by management prior to arrival, as this is private property and we need to know exactly who is onsite at any time. Anglers are responsible for their guests at all times failure to comply with the rules can lead to both angler and guest being asked to leave.
Injury/ Theft
Anglers and their guests use the site and lakes entirely at their own risk. The owner will not accept responsibility for any losses, damage, injuries, etc. to any equipment or members vehicles.
Site toilet
A toilet is provided on site. Please respect it and leave exactly how you would like to find it. Any Issues with it please let Bailiff know so we can get it sorted.
For the protection of the Fishery and its members The Woolpack Fishery will have CCTV Cameras in operation, If you would like further information please Speak to the Bailiff.
No screaming, shouting, Loud Music or loud behaviour is allowed on site. If this happens, you will receive one warning and will be asked to leave if it happens for a second time, with no refunds. This also applies to any guests.
No swimming, but wading is permitted subject to a minimal level of disturbance to others.
Electric Fencing
To Keep out animals that could damage the complex and fish, The Woolpack may use Electric Fencing to help assist. Please observe Signs around the fishery or speak to the Bailiff if you have any concerns.
Rule changes
It may be necessary to amend existing or add new rules during the course of the season. All members will be notified in the event that any changes are made.
Any questions please feel free to message us via email or or social media platforms and we will respond as soon as possible.